Welcome to Entertainment Blue Mountains, a blog site dedicated to fellow entertainment enthusiasts and producers. Those that are posting here – authors and contributors, are certified professionals who have gained enough authority for this field. If you’re here to learn or simply know what the latest trends in the entertainment industry are, then you have come to the right place.

Entertainment production has many branches, and many people worldwide are contributing and doing their best for the improvement of this field. We aim to spread these words and generate topics for discussions in the form of this blogging site that we have managed to pull off.
While you’re here, expect to see casual blog posts about different facets of entertainment production, but we’ll mostly be covering filmmaking and production. As time passes by, contributors would also branch out into many other options, and maybe we will also recruit more people to populate the page. One assurance that we can give is that all the blog posts that will be written will be 100% fact-checked, and the quality would be top-notch.
Production tips and tricks will also be posted on the website frequently because we want to help people that want to get involved in the industry. More importantly, beginners are those that are very prone to discouragement when they get involved in entertainment production; that is why that’s our target demographic. We will publish beginner tips and strategies so that we can help those that are eager to pursue a career in this field. After the beginner phase, anyone can easily snowball their progression and eventually become a good professional.
Entertainment Blue Mountains is run by many people, with authors and contributors of many sorts to ensure that every topic is being spearheaded by professionals and those that have enough authority over them. That said, you can trust our posts and take them wholeheartedly as we guarantee that you’ll leave this page informed and greatly educated.
Entertainment Blue Mountains also encourage discussions and feedback among our posts, so if you have something in mind that you want to tell our contributors and authors, feel free to do so as we will reply or respond immediately to help you if ever you are struggling. Given that we will allow comments and feedback on our platform, we wish everyone to keep it civilized and formal as much as possible as we don’t want to promote or condone hatred on our platform.
We greatly look forward to seeing you on our website again!